SLJ Collectables

Today i did SLJ it was about collectables and i traced a puffer fish. Then when i was finshed i had to wite fact’s about a puffer fish. And the fact are

  • If you eat it wrong you will pass away
  • They are the only bony fish which can close their eyes
  • They are the most poisonous fish in the sea
  • They are masters of self-defence
  • Puffer fish don’t have scales

SLG Wavey Words

Today i did the wavey words, and there is 2 activities the first one is the word wheel. Then instrustion’s were that you had to write as many words as you can think of that relate to the ocean themes below. Use the text boxes provided.

The second one was that you had to use word art. And use the word’s that you used in the word wheel.