Year: 2022

Copyright laws and t-shirt designs

Today in Cybersmartwe learned about copyright law and attribution. To use someone else’s work, you have to have their permission, or it must be free to use. For this task we designed three different t-shirts.

  • The first one was from Google images, and would not be able to be printed because of copyright.
  • The second one was from the explore tool. It could be printed, but only with attribution.
  • The third one we created ourselves, which means we can print it if we wanted to.

Recount: Term 3

Christmas camping 

My family and I went camping at Taupo for our Christmas holiday. 

First, we were driving on the road and we got to Rotorua. At Rotorua we went there. We  stayed in a hotel and then I went to Taupo. 

Then I went to the swimming pools and then my cousin was annoying me at the swimming pools because he was bored. I bought drinks and then I had a shower and then it was night time and then I went to sleep.

The next day it was morning. I ate breakfast and then i want to the swimming pools again and then After that i went to the park after that me and my friends went to the gaming room.

After that we went to the camping spot and then we went home.

How to embed different Digital Learning Obgects (DLO’s) on our blog

Embedding learning into our Blogs

By Donyal

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is Google Docs.

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below